
Financial Security

Our drivers are family to us. And to lend them and guide them for a secure future is our responsibility. We help you to pick the best possible investment options, and walk you through the entire process. If you are under any kind of financial aid we have all possible loan options with easy processing. We are always here to help.

Family Welfare

Due to poor income, their family also lack the skill to do well. Various kinds of assistance can be provided to them.

Healthcare & Benefits

Health is wealth, with this motto we aim to keep our drivers fit and fine. With hours of driving and no proper eating schedules, they are prone to fall sick. To avoid all of these we provide exclusively curated health benefits including free health check-up and health insurance for our drivers. In case of an accident, we’ll make sure drivers receive their compensation to somehow help them out.

Housing & Pension

A home is a place filled with your people and precious memories. With uncertain income, most of our driver brothers find themselves unable to own their own homes. Our team is working to bring information on government schemes for housing and assist you with simple step-by-step guidance towards owning your own house. Also, We ensure that such person has the benefit of a pension which will secure them after retirement.
Bhuvan Care Foundation